2020 National Limousin Sale
2020 National Limousin Sale
January 12, 2020
Denver, CO
Auctioneer: C.K. “Sonny” Booth
Marketing Team: American Cattle Services, MC Marketing Management, Grassroots Consulting, R&R Marketing
Sale Summary
1 Open Heifer Averaged $7,000
2 Picks of the Herd Averaged $6,500
2 Pregnancies Averaged $6,375
4 Bred Heifers Averaged $3,375
3 Flushes Averaged $2,917
136 Embryos Averaged $566
Total Sale Gross $132,025

Austin Hager of Hager Cattle Co. of Karlsruhe, ND,
consigned and purchased from the National Sale.

BOHI Red Robin 282R
Dam of the Lot 13A embryos purchased by
Wilder Family Limousin of Snook, TX.

Casey Fanta of Wulf Cattle, Morris, MN,
visits with Tom Vaughn of Vaughn Farms, Cavalier, ND,
following the National Limousin Sale.
- $6,500—Pick of the Fall Breds
Lot 6—Jones Brothers of Knob Noster, Missouri, purchased the Pick of the Fall Bred Heifers offered by Linhart Limousin of Leon, Iowa.
- $6,500—Pick of the Fall Breds
Lot 7—DP Cattle Co. of Geary, Oklahoma, purchased the pick of 50 fall bred heifers from the Diamond Hill Cattle Co., of Nichols Hills, Oklahoma; Hall Cattle Co., of Sweetwater, Texas; and Coyote Hills Ranch of Chattanooga, Oklahoma, herds.
- $1,000 (each)—3 Embryos
Lot 13A—Three embryos Lim-Flex 50%, homozygous black, double polled sired by MAGS Cable out of BOHI Red Robin 282R. Wilder Family Limousin of Snook, Texas, purchased the Linhart Limousin of Leon, Iowa, offering.