Vorthmanns Recognized with Way We Live Award at Iowa State Fair

The Vorthmann family of Treynor, Iowa, is among seven Iowa farm families recognized as recipients of the 2022 Way We Live Award at the Iowa State Fair. Nominations included a description of how living on a farm and choosing the occupation of farming has shaped the family’s life.
The families exemplify farm values derived from hard work and love of farming. Roger and Ann Vorthmann of Vorthmann Limousin, grow corn, soybeans, alfalfa, pasture and cover crops on their farm in Treynor. They also have a herd of registered Limousin and Lim-Flex cattle, from which they sell seedstock bulls, show heifers, bred females and a few steers.
The Vorthmanns are members of the Iowa Cattlemen’s Association, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, Pottawattamie County Cattlemens, Founder Lifetime member of Heartland Limousin Association, West Pottawattamie Farm Bureau, WESTFAIR and support the Iowa Corn Growers and Iowa Soybean Association.
The couple are currently transitioning the farming operation to daughter Deb and her husband George Miller. Daughter Erica helps the farming operation by creating ad designs, building the sale catalog, creating videos for YouTube, grooming sale cattle, organizing and clerking private treaty sales and updating children’s shirt sizes and names. Son Chad maintains the Vorthmann Limousin website, as well as helping before the fall Private Treaty Sale, and his wife helps with food and hospitality.
Growing up on the farm while raising crops and livestock has taught the Vorthmanns about life, death, responsibility, nurturing and caring for animals; joy, sadness and every possible emotion, especially humbleness and being proud of their farm.
The Way We Live Award is sponsored by Pioneer, with media sponsors Iowa Farmer Today and the WHO Big Show. The award, in its 14th year, has recognized 76 outstanding Iowa farm families. Each award-winning family receives a prize package of $250, complimentary admission tickets, free parking, various coupons and recognition in the Paul R. Knapp Animal Learning Center during the Fair, along with an overnight hotel stay at the Holiday Inn Downtown Mercy Campus.
The Vorthmanns were recognized Sunday, August 14.
Source: The Daily Nonpareil