P Bar S Ranch Named NALF Commercial Marketing Booster of the Year

Paul Sisemore, owner of P Bar S Ranch

Randy Ratliff (left) and Kiley McKinna (right) congratulate the Elmore family of P Bar S Ranch.
Like most successful seedstock producers, the roots of the 2023 North American Limousin Foundation Commercial Marketing Booster of the Year are planted firmly in the commercial cattle industry.
Paul Sisemore owns P Bar S Ranch, a 6,000-acre seedstock operation in Sand Springs, Oklahoma. Paul originally thought he would raise a few of his own to consign to production sales. But the more Paul got involved the more his operation grew.
Today, Paul’s sizable seedstock herd is made up of Limousin, Lim-Flex, Red Angus and Black Angus cattle. As the property lines of the ranch started stretching farther and farther and calves kept hitting the ground, Sisemore penned a new slogan for the operation: The Little Ranch with the Big Genetics. While the ranch nowadays cannot be accurately described as being little in stature, Paul hasn’t wavered in his quest to raise and acquire top genetics. As such, he believes Limousin cattle bring traits to the table that help him, as well as his long list of customers, attain genetic success.
Since their first production sale in 2007, P Bar S Ranch has doubled the pasture land and the number of mother cows. Ranch manager Elgin Elmore has witnessed this growth firsthand over the past 15 years he has served as manager. Given Elgin’s dedication to quality and mindset focused on productivity, Paul says there’s no question just how valuable Elmore is to the operation. Elgin echoes the same level of high regard for Paul, as he says there is no better person in the business to work for.
P Bar S continually incorporates new technologies and breeding strategies to help produce the quality genetics they are known for. In the 30 years since Paul first started his journey, the cattle herd has grown in size, quality and notoriety, but several things have certainly stayed the same. P Bar S Ranch never has, and never will, stop striving to raise, promote and stand behind the best genetics in the cattle industry.
Congratulations to Paul and Elgin of P Bar S Ranch, the 2023 NALF Commercial Marketing Booster of the Year.